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Vietnamese Robusta Whole Bean Natural Process*


The quintessential Vietnamese coffee bean.  This coffee is served with condensed milk on nearly every street corner in Vietnam.  It's high caffeine content gives you a good pick me up and ideal to drink first thing in the morning.  As you would expect from Vietnamese coffee this Robusta is chocolatey.  It is also less bitter than your average Robusta given the qualty of this bean.  Given the naural process it is a lot closer to Arabica in flavour.


Robusta for some can be too strong and bitter, although with the process of this bean it doesnt have the same bitterness.  Some like to blend Robsuta with my Arabica coffee bean for the smooth taste of Arabica with the extra caffeine and of the Robusta.  But i would certainly try it on its own first.  I enjoy it black.  Play around with percentages to get your perfect taste.  I recommend 75% Arabica and 25% Robusta.


*Natural process is the method of processing the cherry after it is harvested.  The cherry is allowed to dry in the sun without removing it from the bean and washing (Washed Process).  The cherry will then reesmble a dried fruit.  Natural fermentation occurs resulting in the creation of complex flavours and sugars.  This takes longer than other methods and often results in a fruitier flavour.  Best enjoyed black. 


Anaerobic fermentation 36h - 72h

Unscreened. Moisture: <=13%

Vietnamese Robusta Whole Bean Natural Process

PriceFrom £7.50
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